Bishop III, Ralph John, (1974) Froebel: Ethnography of an Urban School. Retrieved from Northwestern University 2014.
If you want to know about Froebel, you should read this dissertation by Ralph Bishop written between 1972-74 for his PhD in anthropology at Northwestern. I got it via interlibrary-loan. It's 285 typed pages including a huge number of photos and several hand drawn diagrams. He diagrams a school dance, breaks down the ethnic groups in fine detail, and documents the complicated lives of students who attended Froebel for one year. I'm not always fond of his evaluations of the students or his editorials on the quality of teaching or why students are not paying attention (or lighting fires in lockers) but his writing is mostly generous and full of amazing nuggets of information. What is most important to me is that he was at the school on the day of the uprising and made documentation both inside and outside of the school that day.
A view from outside looking in, and a view from inside the school as riot cops round up the protesters. (from Bishop, 1974)
Some of the everyday-life photos are lovely and important. He also documented the car wash fundraiser, which is the same carwash that is in Mi Raza: Portrait of a Family. It must have been pretty strange to the students to have 2 sets of graduate students documenting them during that carwash.