Teams Called Pirates / by Nicole Marroquin

Here is a good idea for a cloudy rainy 40 degree day. Specific Things is looking for submissions of images and stories. It was funded by Josh Greene's project called Service-Works in which he, as a curator, donates one month of his wages from his fine-dining waiter job to someone who has won a grant from him to do a project. And the projects are good. Varied, but the way they fit together is terrific.

So back to Specific Things, which collects images of things with themes like, Young Women Holding Koalas

The idea is interesting and reminds me of when I went to Berlin and realized there was not one photo I could take that hadn't been taken. And original ones I could take with ME in them can be broken down into categories that remind me that everything I do may seem unique, but all the urges come from the same animal..