Wish you were here...
I had to kiss all the lovely objects goodbye at at the Anthro museum today. As usual I found several new things, and I am thinking about cosmologies and maps again after feeling very disconnected.
Monday night was an art collective jam session. There was documentation, clearly. The range of artists in this collective really excites me, and they don´t seem to see anything out of the ordinary with my manner of working: equally in clay, live action and technology. They are musicians, net activists, street artists, interventionists and visual artists. Every one of them does social justice work with youth both in and out of schools. None of them think of it as separate from their practice. They have a nonprofit and 3 different collectives. These folks hustle.
This is Charcko. I don´t want to rave too much, but this guy is gonna blow up. He is a math/chem major, does video, takes classes, works nights, has a career in electronic music and jams with youth groups using minimal technology and old computers. 24 years old. He is also extremely generous, and after hanging out with 2 cameras and a firewire at mcDonalds in the Zocalo for an hour, I have copies of a bunch of his work.
Laura describes her projects, one of which was a street project in which she wore this apron. Justice for the murdered women of Juarez!
Miguel has docu drama, too.
This is an inflatable Japan atop the MUCA museum. From what I hear there are lots of amazing inflatables in the show. SIGH......
On top of the pyramids at Tula, the Toltec city about 2 hours out of DF. This city was active more or less between Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan. It is really really high and I am scared to be up there but I can´t take the ribbing from my friends, so I climbed.
This is my original Tula photo. You will not find this anywhere else on the internet.
I can´t stop taking pictures of chicken shacks. Amazing chicken paintings on nearly every block. Maximum chicken, here.
Leaving Teotihuacan there was rain. It was good that I couldn´t see out the car windows. My head was overloaded- in a good good way.
tomorrow i fly home. I have about 1000 more images, but they will wait.